Never in life, be at rest, till you reach, peak of your Everest
Never in life, be at rest, till you reach, peak of your Everest,
Choose best in life, get best, till then never be at rest;
Always gather best feather, keep it on your crest,
Live and lead your life in such a way, relieved from burden in chest;
To reach the peak in life, always choose best and best,
To get best in life, time and right efforts you have to invest;
Search for the best in life, make it a goal for quest,
To achieve best in life, Almighty you have to request.
Satguru Shri Devendra Ghia (Kaka)
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Never in life, be at rest, till you reach, peak of your Everest,
Choose best in life, get best, till then never be at rest;
Always gather best feather, keep it on your crest,
Live and lead your life in such a way, relieved from burden in chest;
To reach the peak in life, always choose best and best,
To get best in life, time and right efforts you have to invest;
Search for the best in life, make it a goal for quest,
To achieve best in life, Almighty you have to request.
English Explanation |
In this English hymn, He advises us to always aim for the best in life
It is necessary for us to set our goals as high as possible and to then do our best to achieve them
We should not stop any of our efforts till we achieve the results we want
It is okay to want the best in life and to achieve the best
But do not take actions such that it stops you from achieving what you want and just makes you frustrated whereby you will not be able to continue your efforts
To achieve the best life, you have to choose the best
To get your chosen results, you have to go all out by putting in all your time and efforts
So, you have to first find what is the best
Only God knows what is the best for you and you should pray to God to give you the best
We human beings think that the highest achievement in life means having the best material things in life, the most expensive things, the things that provide us the most physical comforts and uncommon things that the fewest people have, such that our having it is taken as a huge achievement. Yes, surely such things can give us satisfaction of some kind. But, our biggest well-wisher Kaka knows that this is not best enough for us. So, He urges us to pray to God to have Him help us get whatever that He wants us to have, as this will be undoubtedly the best for us even though we may not realize it.