Every time we rush, we make a fuss; there we have to wait
Every time we rush, we make a fuss; there we have to wait,
Wait, wait and wait; while waiting we are not to be late.
In life, better and better things we have to create and make,
Spare no pains in life, be ready for pains in life we have to take.
Why should we get bothered by botheration in life always?
When Almighty is ready to take botheration in his way.
When we have to work in life, we have to make it best,
Remember always in life what is to be done, forget the rest.
You can be here, you can be there, you cannot be everywhere,
Keep your mind where you have to be, let it not wander everywhere.
Satguru Shri Devendra Ghia (Kaka)
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Every time we rush, we make a fuss; there we have to wait,
Wait, wait and wait; while waiting we are not to be late.
In life, better and better things we have to create and make,
Spare no pains in life, be ready for pains in life we have to take.
Why should we get bothered by botheration in life always?
When Almighty is ready to take botheration in his way.
When we have to work in life, we have to make it best,
Remember always in life what is to be done, forget the rest.
You can be here, you can be there, you cannot be everywhere,
Keep your mind where you have to be, let it not wander everywhere.
English Explanation |
In this English hymn, He shows how to manage things in life calmly and peacefully
If we don't do things by allocating sufficient time to do it properly, then we will have to rush to finish it and that will lead to unnecessary agitation
It is ok to be ahead of time as it is better to wait than to be late
We have to strive to do always do better and better
We should not hold back our full efforts and at the same time be prepared for not getting the results we were trying to get
We will always be bothered by things but we should not let our botheration overwhelm us as God is always there to help us overcome whatever that is bothering us
Whatever work we have to do, we have to do it in the best way possible and without taking any shortcuts just to show that work is done
We have to keep our focus on what is important to be done in life and ignore all other temptations that may take us away
We should not multi-task whereby we try to do so many things that we do not do even one thing properly
We should keep our mind on only at the task on hand that we are trying to accomplish and not let our mind focus on any other things at the same time
We have to patiently do all our work, with full effort, and concentrate on doing the best work possible, by properly allocating sufficient time, and without getting side-tracked by various time stealers. This reconfirms the classic saying that God helps those who help themselves.