Bhaav Samadhi Vichaar Samadhi - Kaka Bhajans
Bhaav Samadhi Vichaar Samadhi - Kaka Bhajans
Hymn No. 793 | Date: 14-May-1987
મન કરે નાદાની ને આતમ તો દુઃખી દુઃખી થાય
Mana karē nādānī nē ātama tō duḥkhī duḥkhī thāya

મન, દિલ, ભાવ, વિચાર, યાદ (Mind, Heart, Feelings, Thoughts, Remembrance)

Hymn No. 793 | Date: 14-May-1987

મન કરે નાદાની ને આતમ તો દુઃખી દુઃખી થાય


mana karē nādānī nē ātama tō duḥkhī duḥkhī thāya

મન, દિલ, ભાવ, વિચાર, યાદ (Mind, Heart, Feelings, Thoughts, Remembrance)

1987-05-14 1987-05-14 મન કરે નાદાની ને આતમ તો દુઃખી દુઃખી થાય મન કરે નાદાની ને આતમ તો દુઃખી દુઃખી થાય

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મન કરે નાદાની ને આતમ તો દુઃખી દુઃખી થાય

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સદ્દગુરુ દેવેન્દ્ર ઘીયા (કાકા)
Lyrics in English Increase Font Decrease Font

mana karē nādānī nē ātama tō duḥkhī duḥkhī thāya

chōḍī saṁga śāṇānō nē jyāṁ ē kusaṁgē lāgī jāya - mana...

pharī pharī jaganā khūṇē khūṇē, ātamanē thakavī jāya - mana...

chūṭē kābū jyāṁ mana paranō, ātamanē ē tō ghasaḍī jāya - mana...

sthiratāthī bhāgatō rahētō, caṁcalatāmāṁ rācī rahē sadāya - mana...

muśkēlīē puṇya paṁthē caḍē, pāpamāṁ tō jaladī ḍūbī jāya - mana...

kāraṇanuṁ paṇa kāraṇa gōtē, kāraṇa tō ēnē malī jāya - mana...

sukhanē pakaḍē, pāchuṁ chōḍē, duḥkha tō ēnē bhēṭī jāya - mana...

māyāmāṁ rahē ḍūbyuṁ, ātamanē ānaṁdathī vaṁcita karatuṁ jāya - mana...

lābha chē śēmāṁ, nukasāna chē śēmāṁ, vicāra na karē jarāya - mana...

ātama sāthē rahētuṁ ē tō, tōya ātamathī rahē ajāṇa - mana...
English Explanation: Increase Font Decrease Font

In this Gujarati bhajan, Shri Devendra Ghia, our Guruji, Pujya Kaka, as called by us is throwing light on the position of our mind. The dancing and jumping of mind is not action, but in fact, is pounding a hole in the path of spiritual quest.

He has written this bhajan, keeping Mind as a subject.

He is saying...

Mind does stupidity and in the bargain, our soul gets hurt,

Leaving the company of wise, it follows imprudent.

Losing control over mind, it drags the soul as well.

Always running away from stillness, and always swamped away by fickleness.

By great efforts, it rises up to the path of good actions, quickly, it drowns back in sins.

Always searches for reasons of the reason, and it justifies the reason as well.

It catches the happiness, then lets it go, ultimately, ends up in grief.

It always remains immersed in illusion, and keeps the soul away from ultimate joy.

Where is the gain and where is the loss, it never thinks about.

It is staying with the soul, still ignorant about soul’s presence.

Kaka is very simply depicting that our logical, intelligent mind is the biggest obstacle in our spiritual journey. It is so fickle, so shallow, and so ignorant that it is completely unaware of the pure soul residing with it.

The transformation of mind energy of action into Divine energy of stillness is spirituality. The goal of spirituality is to identify stillness, not movement. We need to drop our so called actions and allow God to enter in our actions.
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Gujarati Bhajan no. 793 by Satguru Devendra Ghia - Kaka
