Bhaav Samadhi Vichaar Samadhi - Kaka Bhajans
Bhaav Samadhi Vichaar Samadhi - Kaka Bhajans
Hymn No. 1488 | Date: 15-Sep-1988
હે જીવ, તું ભાનમાં નથી, તું હોંશમાં નથી
Hē jīva, tuṁ bhānamāṁ nathī, tuṁ hōṁśamāṁ nathī

કૃપા,દયા,કરુણા (Grace, Kindness, Mercy)

Hymn No. 1488 | Date: 15-Sep-1988

હે જીવ, તું ભાનમાં નથી, તું હોંશમાં નથી

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hē jīva, tuṁ bhānamāṁ nathī, tuṁ hōṁśamāṁ nathī

કૃપા,દયા,કરુણા (Grace, Kindness, Mercy)

1988-09-15 1988-09-15 હે જીવ, તું ભાનમાં નથી, તું હોંશમાં નથી હે જીવ, તું ભાનમાં નથી, તું હોંશમાં નથી

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હે જીવ, તું ભાનમાં નથી, તું હોંશમાં નથી

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સદ્દગુરુ દેવેન્દ્ર ઘીયા (કાકા)
Lyrics in English Increase Font Decrease Font

hē jīva, tuṁ bhānamāṁ nathī, tuṁ hōṁśamāṁ nathī

saṁbhāla tārāṁ pagalāṁ, paḍavāmāṁ kōī vāra nathī

māyānā ghūṁṭa khūba pīdhā, maṁjhila tanē yāda nathī - saṁbhāla...

janamī jagamāṁ āvyā, prabhunāṁ dvāra gōtavā

ghūṁṭa māyānā khūba pīdhā, samaya rahyā ēma vītyā

vidāyanī vēlā āvī, maṁjhilanī tō darakāra nathī - tuṁ bhānamāṁ...

kēpha tō rahyā caḍatā, dvāra prabhunāṁ nā malatāṁ

dvāra duḥkhanāṁ rahyāṁ khūlatāṁ, nā kēpha tōya ūtaryā - tuṁ bhānamāṁ...

jīvananāṁ mūlya jhājhāṁ, paṇa hōṁśanāṁ chē phāṁphāṁ

maṁjhilanāṁ nathī ṭhēkāṇāṁ, tēnuṁ tō bhāna nathī - tuṁ bhānamāṁ...

paḍatāṁ rahyāṁ pagalāṁ, rastā ēnē samajī līdhā

paṇa maṁjhilē nā pahōṁcyā, tēnuṁ tōya bhāna nathī - tuṁ bhānamāṁ...

rastē-rastē tō rahyā, mūlyō jīvananāṁ lūṁṭātāṁ

prabhukr̥pā vinā havē tō, tārō kōī uddhāra nathī - tuṁ bhānamāṁ...
English Explanation Increase Font Decrease Font

In this Gujarati Bhajan, Pujya Kakaji is saying…

Hey, being, you are not in consciousness, you are not in your senses.

Please watch over your steps, you will fall anytime.

You have drank so many, drinks of illusion, that you do not remember your ultimate goal.

After taking birth, you have come into this world to reach to the doors of the Divine.

You have only drank the drinks of illusion and have wasted the time.

The time of departure has come, still there is no regard for the ultimate goal.

The arrogance has risen, and the doors to the Divine has still not opened.

The doors to suffering have kept opening, still the arrogance has not died.

The value of life is there, but there is a lack of understanding.

There is no clue about the ultimate goal and no awareness as well.

The steps are taken in all directions, thinking of it as the correct path.

Still, the destination is not reached, and the awareness is also not there.

Every which way the values of life are getting robbed.

Now, without the grace of God, there is no salvation for you.

Kaka is explaining that despite taking birth as a human with a mind that resonates and a body that is amazing, we are not able to identify the actual purpose of life and actual values in life. We are so involved and attached to the illusion that we are all blind to the actual fact of life. And in the process, we have become so arrogant that the real values of our life have disintegrated. Kaka is explaining that we are at that level downhill where nothing else but the grace of God, can only save us and make us reach our destination.
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Gujarati Bhajan no. 1488 by Satguru Devendra Ghia - Kaka