Bhaav Samadhi Vichaar Samadhi - Kaka Bhajans
Bhaav Samadhi Vichaar Samadhi - Kaka Bhajans
Hymn No. 1490 | Date: 17-Sep-1988
ભેદી કંઈક અંધારાં, ભેદી કંઈક અજવાળાં
Bhēdī kaṁīka aṁdhārāṁ, bhēdī kaṁīka ajavālāṁ

જ્ઞાન, સત્ય, આભાર (Knowledge, Truth, Thanks)

Hymn No. 1490 | Date: 17-Sep-1988

ભેદી કંઈક અંધારાં, ભેદી કંઈક અજવાળાં

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bhēdī kaṁīka aṁdhārāṁ, bhēdī kaṁīka ajavālāṁ

જ્ઞાન, સત્ય, આભાર (Knowledge, Truth, Thanks)

1988-09-17 1988-09-17 ભેદી કંઈક અંધારાં, ભેદી કંઈક અજવાળાં ભેદી કંઈક અંધારાં, ભેદી કંઈક અજવાળાં

આતમ દીવડો આ જગમાં પ્રવેશ્યો રે

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ભેદી કંઈક અંધારાં, ભેદી કંઈક અજવાળાં

આતમ દીવડો આ જગમાં પ્રવેશ્યો રે

લીધા કર્મના સહારા, કીધા મનના સથવારા - આતમ...

બની મર્દ મુછાળા, કે નમણી નાર નખરાળા - આતમ...

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સદ્દગુરુ દેવેન્દ્ર ઘીયા (કાકા)
Lyrics in English Increase Font Decrease Font

bhēdī kaṁīka aṁdhārāṁ, bhēdī kaṁīka ajavālāṁ

ātama dīvaḍō ā jagamāṁ pravēśyō rē

līdhā karmanā sahārā, kīdhā mananā sathavārā - ātama...

banī marda muchālā, kē namaṇī nāra nakharālā - ātama...

banī kaṁīkanā putra pyārā, kē banī putrī vahālā - ātama...

saṁjōgē tō ghaḍāyā, kaṁīka saṁjōgō svīkāryā - ātama...

māyāmāṁ jyāṁ aṭavāyā, maṁjhilanāṁ nā ṭhēkāṇāṁ - ātama...

kaṁīkanē haiyē apanāvyā, kōī banyā tō parāyā - ātama...

malyā kaṁīkanē sukhanā sathavārā, kadī duḥkhanā tō bhārā - ātama...

kadī haiyāṁ saṁśayathī bharāyāṁ, kadī śraddhādīpa jalāvyā - ātama...

rahētāṁ-rahētāṁ, banyāṁ baṁdhana pyārāṁ, dvāra maṁjhilanāṁ visarāyāṁ - ātama...
English Explanation Increase Font Decrease Font

In this Gujarati bhajan, Pujya Kakaji is saying…

Passing through the darkness and passing through the brightness, this soul has entered into this world.

By getting the foundation of karmas (actions) and by

finding the company of a mind, this soul has entered into this world.

By becoming either a strong man or a delicate woman, this soul has entered into this world.

By becoming someone’s dear son or a dear daughter, the soul has entered into this world.

It has been moulded by many circumstances and has accepted many circumstances, this soul has entered into the world.

As it gets entangled in the illusion, the way to the destination gets lost, and this soul has entered into this world.

Many were held close to the heart, and many became distant, this soul has entered into the world.

Many found the company of happiness, and many handled the weight of grief, this soul has entered into the world.

Sometimes hearts were filled with doubts and other times they were filled with faith, this soul has entered into this world.

While staying here in the world, the worldly bonds became closer and dear, and doors to destination got forgotten.

Kaka is explaining that when the soul gets embodied in either male or a female human body by becoming someone’s darling son or a daughter, it also gets dragged into the varied circumstances, emotions, and relationships. The attachment to worldly matters grows stronger and stronger and the ultimate purpose of the soul entering into this world, which is merging with the Supreme Soul, gets lost. Kaka is urging us to be mindful of the fact that Soul can be redeemed only by Divine Connection, for which the human body and intellect is to be used as the tools in the journey to reach the destination.
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Gujarati Bhajan no. 1490 by Satguru Devendra Ghia - Kaka