Bhaav Samadhi Vichaar Samadhi - Kaka Bhajans
Bhaav Samadhi Vichaar Samadhi - Kaka Bhajans
Hymn No. 4137 | Date: 22-Aug-1992
I will try, try and try in my life; I will try, try and try

જીવન માર્ગ, સમજ (Life Approach, Understanding)

Hymn No. 4137 | Date: 22-Aug-1992

I will try, try and try in my life; I will try, try and try

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જીવન માર્ગ, સમજ (Life Approach, Understanding)

1992-08-22 1992-08-22 I will try, try and try in my life; I will try, try and try I will try, try and try in my life; I will try, try and try

I will face all the odds and evens in life but will not cry

Whether I will fail or get the result but I will try, try and try

I will put my sincere efforts and I will try, try and try

Will not be shaken by unfavorable results; I will try, try and try

Whether I will get support or not, I will not stop; I will try, try and try

I will not get disheartened if I get less or more; I will try, try and try

I shall stop at nothing, to get everything, I will try, try and try

With limited or unlimited limits, will not stop; I will try, try and try

Oh, Almighty! You are my destination to reach; I shall try, try and try.
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I will try, try and try in my life; I will try, try and try

I will face all the odds and evens in life but will not cry

Whether I will fail or get the result but I will try, try and try

I will put my sincere efforts and I will try, try and try

Will not be shaken by unfavorable results; I will try, try and try

Whether I will get support or not, I will not stop; I will try, try and try

I will not get disheartened if I get less or more; I will try, try and try

I shall stop at nothing, to get everything, I will try, try and try

With limited or unlimited limits, will not stop; I will try, try and try

Oh, Almighty! You are my destination to reach; I shall try, try and try.

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In this English hymn, He shows us how to persevere on our path to reach God

I will try, keep trying and continue trying in my life no matter what

I will face difficulties of all kinds in life, but I will not give up

I will keep doing all the right things, without focusing on whether I will reach God or fail after all the efforts

I will do the all the right things sincerely and not just for token show or half-heartedly

Even I am unable to reach God, I will not give up my efforts and I will still keep trying

I will not stop in all my efforts, even I don't get support from anyone or anything

I will not lose hope in any way and I will still keep trying

I will not get side tracked or diverted to anything else and I will keep trying

I know that there are no shortcuts and there are no minimum effort markers of any kind

God is my only destination and I will always keep trying to be one with Him

All of us kind of, sort of, believe in some omnipotent, supreme power. But, our belief and faith may not be very strong, until we are faced with difficulties in our life that we are unable to resolve. In such circumstances, we then pray to this supreme power to relieve us of any difficulties. But, this kind of selfish, deliberate quid pro quo relationship is useless. We have to realize how insignificant we are in this universe and understand that God created this universe and we should be completely focused in our lives to reach God no matter what the circumstances are and keep trying to be one with Him, no matter what. Just wishful thinking and token efforts will not help us as it will take innumerable lives and single minded focus on God to be able to even come near Him and our efforts should never falter.
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English Bhajan no. 4137 by Satguru Devendra Ghia - Kaka
